All the businesses with annual revenues of Dh 375,000 or more have to submit online applications for VAT registration within thirty days
VAT return filing assistance services
A business in UAE is offered a maximum of 28 days for filing up VAT returns by the end of one tax period.
We provide our customers the best advice on all the aspects of VAT, whether you are the head of a business or an individual trader
Would you want to take relief from the huge administrative burden and constant worry about being compliant with the accounting rules as well as regulations?
Internal auditing signifies an independent, objective assurance as well as consulting activity designed in order to enhance value as well as boost up the company’s functioning.
External audit is a regular check of the records or procedures conducted by the proficient auditors who do not belong to the company to be actually audited.
We offer the best ESR Advisory services to help the companies remain highly compliant with the needs of the Economic Substance Regulations in UAE.
Your tax return has greater input VAT than output VAT. In the meantime you may also request as a taxpayer a refund of the additional amount with help of our proficient tax agents in UAE.