Accounting and Book Keeping

Accounting and Bookkeeping Services


Would you want to take relief from the huge administrative burden and constant worry about being compliant with the accounting rules as well as regulations? We will be happy to help you!


Well, did anyone tell you that bookkeeping and accounting are two different things? Book Keeping must not be confused with accounting. The whole accounting procedure is done by an accountant. He uses recorded financial transactions to develop reports and these financial transactions are recorded  by a bookkeeper and in other file forms by agencies or government. 

What did we provide under Accounting & Bookkeeping services?

Setup of accounting functions and systems

The businesses have to set up accounting as well as VAT systems in order to comply with the local regulations. This type of service also may help you to set up the initial systems in the best possible way.


Designing the Chart of Accounts (COA)

This service helps to arrange financial data in important categories, produce metrics as well as produce actionable details from your accounting system without any elaborate data manipulation.


Data migration to the accounting system

We are committed to make the entire migration process seamless and provide a time-tested migration procedure that converts essential data as well as maintains the integrity of historical data.


Review of accounting information regularly

We ensure that your company’s accounts are in perfect line with the Companies Law in the UAE and keep them updated whenever the new laws come in.